Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Gloria Chang_Lynda

Charlie Fletcher - Assignment 3 (Portraits)


Assignment 3- Jessica Mingle

Gloria Chang_Assignment3

"Coming Home"

"It's My Pleasure to Serve You"

"Perfect Every Time" 

Yelin Park- Assignment 3




Zoe Roane-Hopkins-Assignment 3

Zoe Roane-Hopkns- Lynda Tutorial Completion

Amelia Bishop Portraits-Assignment 3

Eric Roman Screen Shot and Edited image

This is an example of how I would like you to post your 3 portraits. Make a screen shot of the image with NO EDITING, then...edit away and post a JPEG version of that. In class I said to save as a TIFF and then as a JPEG. This is so you have a TIFF file to rework later while making one small enough for BLOGGER.
Here is the screen shot... before I edited the file:

Here is my edited version with a few things done to make it read a bit more the way I wanted.

I hope this helps you on this part. I am excited to see your work.